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When is it Too Late to Call a Tyler Car Accident Lawyer?

When is it too late to call a Tyler car accident lawyer? Well, if you’re calling Roberts and Roberts, it’s never too late. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day and we have a full time investigator on staff. Now, if you’re wondering when is it too late to call any lawyer, the law does have deadlines. For example, and this is speaking generally, in an injury case in Texas involving an adult, the law typically requires that they file their lawsuit within two years from the date of the injury, but there are a lot of exceptions to that rule. For example, if your car accident involves a car owned or driven by a county employee or a local government employee or a state employee, the Texas Tort Claims Act requires that you give that governmental entity detailed written notice of your claim within six months of that car accident, so there are all kinds of exceptions and you need to consult with a qualified lawyer in trying to decide when it is too late to take action. Obviously the sooner you investigate a claim, the better documented it can be which helps your case. Here at Roberts and Roberts, it should cost you nothing to consult with an attorney about your rights and the deadlines that you confront, and if we can’t help you, you don’t owe us anything. In fact, we work, in most cases, on a percentage or what’s customarily called ‘a contingent fee’. In other words, if we don’t get you compensated, you don’t owe us anything. So, take advantage of the free consultation. Call us. The call costs you nothing, just like the consultation. It could mean everything.

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Our Personal Injury Lawyers Are Featured in the Top 100 Personal Injury Trial Lawyers Our Personal Injury Attorneys Have Been Texas Super Lawyers for Decades Our Lawyers Have Been Recipients of the Mult-Million Dollar Advocates Award for Personal Injury Lawyers

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"I am so happy to have chosen the best law firm around. The staff is amazing in handling your questions promptly. I hope I don't ever need them again, but if I do, there is no question I will be back. Thank y'all so much for helping me." - Heather N.